Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 8

As of Friday I am down to 146.6! And its good to be back! Now I just can't go back up. This coming week I am on Spring Break so I will have plenty of time to exercise and make dinner. My goal is to make dinner Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday Chris and I are taking a weekend vacation to Casper, WY so this weekend will be a real test as far as eating and exercise goes. Wish me luck this week!
I realize this blog is pretty boring to most people because my weight loss is slow and, some weeks, nonexistent. But for me this blog has made a huge difference. When I write my exercise and eating goals it gives me a lot of motivation to know I can blog about it when I accomplish the goals. The fact that I have stuck to it for 8 months is huge. It hasn't been tough most of the time but I have had moments where I just wanted to lay down on the couch with a box of girl scout cookies and skip the gym. But knowing I would have to face (and blog about) the results has gotten my butt out the door. So thank you to my three followers for giving me extra motivation!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still checking in every week, and you're doing great! What day do you leave for Casper?
