Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 10

Today did not get off to a great start. I weighed in at 145.6, a pound above yesterday. I am guessing I just ate a lot of heavy food. Even though I didn't go over in calories, I ate way more meat, bread, and rice than I normally do so that was all sitting in my stomach. It made it a lot harder to stick with my current plan today. But I did. I didn't record my calories today because calculating dinner would have been hard!  Here is what I had:

  • 1 slice of breakfast pizza
  • Japanese curry and rice made by my brother-in-law. It had carrots, onions, potatoes, and chicken. 
  • A few slices of pineapple
  • A glass of milk
  • 2, yes 2, Doritos :)
I don't have any idea what the calories were in the dinner, but everything else adds up to less than 400 calories, so as long as my rice and curry was less than 800, I feel pretty safe. Let's hope I have gone back down when I weigh in tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 8

This morning I was at 145.4. Not a great number compared to other days. But still heading in the right direction. Here is my food for today. (Carrie, if you see this, I know, I am under calories. But not too far! Don't check me in to your facility just yet!)

No, I have not given up

(Written Thursday, June 7)
In fact, I am doing very well still! I just got busy with the last few days of school. Still no soda, still no sweets, still lots of fruit. And, thankfully, still going down on the scale! And the best news: only one week until I go on my cruise and get a break! Tuesday we went over to Chris's sister's house so Chris could help take down some trees and she made us chicken and steak. It was supposed to be chicken and steak kabobs but she ended up just making it on the stove top. I wouldn't even know how to count the calories, but for my dinner I had chicken, steak, and baked carrots. Everything else is listed below. This morning I was at 145.6. I am not going down quite as fast as I was in the first place, but I am still going down! It has been very hard the last couple days. So many of my students got me Dr. Pepper and delicious-looking treats, but I resisted. Last night we went out with my parents and they went to JCW's to get rootbeer freezes and I resisted. I have been unbelievably good but it has been unbelievably hard. Oh well, like I said, one more week. Then I get a break. Then I will come back and get right back on it.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Ok, so yesterday (Sunday), I didn't record all of my food because trying to figure out the calories in Chris's mom's cooking would be 1: Very hard, and 2: A little depressing. But I am pretty sure I stayed under my daily calories because I only ate dinner yesterday since it was fast Sunday. And even with Mary's fabulous ribs on the table I still tried to be careful. When I weighed myself this morning I was at 146.8. So I lost .4 pounds. Hey, it's still a loss!
I can post my food for today, since I am done eating. For dinner I made taco salad. I tried to make it healthy by using ground turkey instead of ground beef. I shouldn't have had cheese. Or chips and guac. But even with all of that I still came in under my daily calories due to an awesome game of teacher vs. student softball game today. (OK, it wasn't really awesome. The teachers got CREAMED!) Well here is my food intake for today.
I'll update you on tomorrow's scale when I get there!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday, June 2nd

When I woke up this morning I was a little worried because yesterday was the first day I went over on my calories. On top of that, I didn't do any running or working out. Don't get me wrong, I was not lazy by any means, I was on the move all day, which is probably what saved me in the end. When I weighed myself I was 147.2. Another .8 pounds! I wish I would have done this whole "no junk food" thing the first time through. It has been hard, but as I see these results it is so worth it! Here is how I did yesterday.
Today is fast Sunday, which would be good, except that for dinner we are going over to Chris's mom's house and having BBQ ribs. His mom is the queen of making BBQ ribs. My plan is to stick to 1 or 2 and then lots of salad. I'll update you tomorrow!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Friday June 1st

Yesterday was day 3 of trying to eat really well. I am craving anything junk: burgers, fries, ice cream, cookies, the sprees we have in our cupboard, etc. But I am staying strong. I know that the minute I let my guard down all will be lost. Plus, the results are great!  I am down to 148 even this morning (Saturday), so another .8 pounds! Another great thing that happened is we went to Zupas for dinner and I got soup and salad. I was full before I finished half of either, so I stopped! I never do that. I usually get full and then keep pushing myself to finish the meal. It was great to know I didn't have to eat all of it. And now I have dinner for tonight! Here is my food for today.

I'm back!

It has been over a month since my last post. I might have slipped a little. Nieces came and the end of school year stress came and motivation went. I still tried but just not as hard. I did manage to complete a half marathon on May 19th! It just about killed me though because I hadn't run a long distance in a while. I walked funny for a few days. Chris kept asking me to walk a few feet behind him because apparently I was a little embarrassing! But I did it and am proud of it! Now I am back on the wagon, though, and doing great!
Chris booked a cruise for us to the Southern Carribean that leaves June 16th. That gave me motivation to start losing weight again! I weighed myself Monday night and was 151.6. I have been eating really well and trying to still have the energy to exercise and today (Thursday) I was back down to 148.8. That's almost a pound a day! I finally decided I needed to do something more drastic with my eating. Up until this week I was trying not to cut anything out completely, but this time around I am really being careful. I am not just going by calories, I am trying to really eat better. Here is how I have done the past two days.

And here is proof that I did finish the half marathon!