Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am almost through a week of this and I am feeling REALLY good!  I think part of it is that I am not making any drastic changes. I am just making better choices. I have learned one major trick for myself: Make great choices in the morning. As long as I make good choices in the morning it is so much easier for me to make better choices later in the day. If I pass up candy in the morning, the next time candy tempts me it is that much easier to say no. Most of the days, I have gone for Crystal Light in the morning and by the time it is gone, so is the Dr. Pepper temptation. Not completely, of course, but it is much more manageable. Like I have said before, I am not trying to give these things up completely, but if I start my morning out with candy or a D.P. like I normally do, then my ability to say "no" later on decreases significantly and unhealthy choices take over.
On another note, tonight I went to Zumba. A girl in our ward teaches Zumba so we get together once a week and work out. It is a great workout and gives me a chance to meet people who don't have three-year-olds (I teach 3-year-olds at church, so those are the only people I get to know).

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