Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have always prided myself on the fact that I had been out of high school for several years and never gained weight.  I went all the way through college and never gained the "freshman 15." I LOVE food, but I also learned that I enjoyed running, so they offset each other. Then I got married. I am not saying that my husband is to blame for this, I am just saying that that is the time when things started changing. I gave up my gym membership because we don't have a Gold's Gym near us and we also couldn't really afford it.  I also started eating less healthy. We always made fun of my mom for not cooking a lot, but now I'm 10 times worse. Part of that is that it is tough to cook for 2. Part of it is that unless we want to eat ramen, mac and cheese, or frozen pizza, eating out costs just as much as making dinner, sometimes less. And part of it is that by the end of the day working I just don't have energy or motivation to make dinner, and restaurants just taste better. Anyways, with the combination of less working out and more eating out, I have started gaining weight. I have never been really skinny, but I was at least comfortable with myself at one point. Not so much anymore. Ok, I will get to the point. I have tried to work out and eat better but I am weak and Chris is a little too forgiving. So I have decided to create a blog as a way to hold myself accountable and also to share my journey. I thought maybe if I knew people could be watching I will be more likely to stick to it.  I will be uploading pictures, my food, and exercises.  Wish me luck!

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